Prevalencia de esquemas maladaptativos en los infantes de marina regulares del BIM14

The present study aims to describe the prevalence of early maladaptive regimens in a group of BIM regular marine infants 14. It is well known that military service requires physical, mental and psychological qualities and competences for the proper course and fulfillment of the relevant offices of t...

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Gil Cano, Juan Carlos
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de San Buenaventura
Repositorio USB
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Palabra clave:
Esquemas mal adaptativos (EMTs)
Infantes de Marina Regular
Adaptación y normas
Maladaptive Schemes (EMTs)
Regular Marines
Adaptation and Norms
Tesis - especialización en psicología clínica
Esquemas mal adaptativos
Conducta adaptativa
Infantes de Marina - aspectos psicológicos
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Summary:The present study aims to describe the prevalence of early maladaptive regimens in a group of BIM regular marine infants 14. It is well known that military service requires physical, mental and psychological qualities and competences for the proper course and fulfillment of the relevant offices of the office, and for the satisfactory completion of military service the development of Coping and adaptive behaviors. These adaptive behaviors and coping skills are derived from functional mental schemas that are acquired in the course of the individual's life. In this research, we intend to know the possible presence of maladaptive schemes in the BIM14 regular marines to whom (YSQ-L) presented by Castrillón, Chaves, Ferrer, Londoño, Maestre, Marín and Schnitter were applied the Young Scheme Questionnaire. (2003) of the University of San Buenaventura, Medellín (Colombia); With the purpose of implementing an intervention plan that allows for the restructuring of maladaptive schemes that interfere with the adaptation to the norms and requirements inherent in military service.