Análisis espacial para identificar las áreas potenciales para beneficios múltiples del bosque, en la Macrocuenca del Pacífico Colombiano

The Colombian Pacific watershed presents exceptional environmental conditions, contributing on the high biodiversity which it lodges, it is positioned as an area of high environmental interest on national and international scale. The forest conservation through government decisions brings multiple b...

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Prieto Salamanca, Daniel Esteban
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A
Repositorio Institucional UDCA
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Beneficios múltiples
Comunidades negras
Conflicto armado
Ecología del paisaje
Análisis espacial
Sistema de información geográfica -- Investigaciones -- Pacífico (Región, Colombia)
Conservación de bosques -- Pacífico (Región, Colombia)
Uso de la tierra -- Investigaciones -- Pacífico (Región, Colombia)
Ingeniería Geográfica y Ambiental
Derechos Reservados - Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales
Summary:The Colombian Pacific watershed presents exceptional environmental conditions, contributing on the high biodiversity which it lodges, it is positioned as an area of high environmental interest on national and international scale. The forest conservation through government decisions brings multiple benefits whose identification, spatialization and priorization are presented in this research3. For the identification of multiple benefits of the forest in the Colombian Pacific watershed, it is important to process the information collected through focus group technique4, the review of scientific texts and goverment reports. Afterwards, it is proposed a methodology which applies Geographic Information Systems – GIS – in the spatialization areas for multiple benefits and priorization, according to the political and social context of the country, incluiding the studying area. It is identified 72 multiple benefits whose área of importance is 5’372,293.23 hectares after being prioritized, including 2’057,090.31 hectares. To conclude, there is a direct relation between forest conservation and the government decisions taken to protect it, generating multiple benefits which include ethnic groups, in areas of high impact of the armed conflict.