Caracterización de las reacciones adversas con Litio reportadas en Bogotá D. C. en el año 2010-2016

Objective: To characterize the adverse reactions with lithium reported in the Distrital program of pharmacovigilance of Bogotá in 2010-2016. Materials and methods: a descriptive and retrospective study was made since it looks for to establish the prevalence of the adverse reactions and the problems...

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Soler López, Yenifer Andrea
Martín Salamanca, Jessica Paola
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A
Repositorio Institucional UDCA
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Programa Distrital de Farmacovigilancia
Reacciones adversas
Litio -- Toxicología
Litio -- Efectos secundarios
Derechos Reservados - Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales
Summary:Objective: To characterize the adverse reactions with lithium reported in the Distrital program of pharmacovigilance of Bogotá in 2010-2016. Materials and methods: a descriptive and retrospective study was made since it looks for to establish the prevalence of the adverse reactions and the problems related to lithium, which allows to make a study of cases basing to us on the excellent items of CARE’s methodology, the cases are provided by the distrital program of pharmacovigilance of Bogota D.C., between years 2010-2016. They were made exclusion of cases, Because duplicate and reported cases were detected outside the years 2010 – 2016 Results: The distrital program of pharmacovigilance of Bogotá, report 25 clinical cases from which 7 were excluded by diagnosis, description and identification duplicity of the patient and to be notified in periods outside the 2010-2016. The reports per year that had more prevalence, were the 2016 with 6 cases, with a percentage of 31,58%, The female sex was the most reported with 17 cases and a percentage of 89,47%. The predominant alterations were of the gastrointestinal system which obtained diarrhea and gastritis. The behavior of the adverse reactions to medicines and problems related to lithium with respect to seriousness was the following: not serious - moderate with 8 cases and a percentage of 42,11%, serious - serious with 5 cases and a percentage 26,32% and not serious - mild with a percentage of 5,23% with 1 case. According RAM’s alphabetical classification, most of the notifications classified as type A were found with 6 cases and 66,67%, being the majority possible with 6 cases and 66,67%.Conclusions: the gastrointestinal system alterations, were the most frequent with 25,00%, in RAM and PRM by lithium in Bogota, during the period of study of 2010-2016 with 19 notifications. The RAM by lithium was classified like possible in 6 cases (66,67%), probable in cases (33,33%), the sex that more reports case had was the feminine one with 17 (89.47).