Consumo residual en conejos : [recurso electrónico] con variables productivas de crecimiento

Residual feed intake is a parameter that relates the observed and expected animal feed intake to identifying and selecting more efficient animals, however, few studies have evaluated the residual feed intake in rabbits. In order to evaluate the relationship between residual feed intake, production a...

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Pinzón Pinzón, Luisa
Rubio Sánchez, Catalina
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A
Repositorio Institucional UDCA
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Eficiencia animal
Modelos de crecimiento
Derechos Reservados - Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales
Summary:Residual feed intake is a parameter that relates the observed and expected animal feed intake to identifying and selecting more efficient animals, however, few studies have evaluated the residual feed intake in rabbits. In order to evaluate the relationship between residual feed intake, production and growth parameters in rabbits, 60 terminal crossbred animals were selected, distributed in three groups, which were evaluated for six weeks from weaning until reaching the commercial weight (approximately 2000g). Productive variables and gastrointestinal tract characteristics were determined and animal growth was parameterized using the Gompertz model. Sex did not influence the productive variables in the evaluated animals (p > 0.05). Metabolic weight and daily weight gain accounted for 80.6 and 3.7% of expected consumption, respectively. Efficient animals showed lower feed intake, lower conversion and higher feed efficiency (p < 0.05). The less efficient animals presented a higher amount of visceral fat (p <0.05) and a lower maturity rate (p < 0.05), suggesting a re-targeting of energy towards the increase of fatty deposit at the expense of growth. It is suggested to include the maintenance and production requirements to estimate residual feed intake in rabbits. Residual feed intake is a parameter that allows the identification of animals with better productive and growth parameters, without affecting the physiological parameters.