Diseño de una ruta de atención primaria en salud del servicio faramacéutico para infección respiratoria aguda en primera infancia en la Red Sur de Bogotá

Responding to the request of the Ministry of Health and Protection, the proposal of the pharmaceutical route is generated, which emphasizes primary care which should be an integral part of the development of health systems, the research is carried out, where it is sought to characterize the conditio...

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Medina Niño, Alex Vanessa
Afanador Ciucuamia, Claudia Constanza
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A
Repositorio Institucional UDCA
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Atención primaria en salud
Infección respiratoria aguda
Químico farmacéutico comunitario
Primera infancia
Infección respiratoria aguda -- Tratamiento con drogas
Atención primaria en salud
Derechos Reservados - Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales
Summary:Responding to the request of the Ministry of Health and Protection, the proposal of the pharmaceutical route is generated, which emphasizes primary care which should be an integral part of the development of health systems, the research is carried out, where it is sought to characterize the condition of the demand and the provision of health services in the treatment of acute respiratory infection (ARI) in the southern network of Bogotá, establishing the strategic processes for the provision of pharmaceutical services with in the network with emphasis on Primary Health Care. The development of the methodology takes into account the situational diagnosis of the environment where, through the information accessed through SIVIGILA, the situation analysis is performed through three epidemiological variables such as: (Children from 0-5 years of age with IRA pathology), time (2014,2015 and 2016) and place (red south of Bogotá). A rapid review of the literature is carried out according to the Cochrane manual, where key words are defined (pharmaceutical, pharmacy and community intervention, acute respiratory infection, APS) and the following databases are searched in Medline, Pubmed and Lilasc databases we proceed to review the quality of the information in order to select the material relevant to the objective of the work, which were 41 articles. Based on the review of the comprehensive care model MIAS, protocols for the development of comprehensive health routes and existing regulations in Colombia for the development of pharmaceutical services, then proceed to the design of the route beginning with the history of the Disease where interventions were built in the stages of the disease (pathogenic and pre-pathogenic) and a matrix was made 5W1H which has a strategic objective, strategies which are based on the questions that, because, how, where, who, on which we will base according to resolution 1403 of 2007; Then the design of the structure of the service delivery network is carried out by means of the design of the necessary flow of information according to the functions of the pharmaceutical service and proceed to the design of the route