Caracterización de los programas gubernamentales de deporte escolar en Colombia

This study aims to characterize and compare school sports programs offered from the Colombian government. At present, various school sports programs are being developed at the national level, such as: Supérate Intercolegiados, Complementary School Time (TEC), in Bogotá, D.C., sports initiation cente...

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Dueñas Sanabria, Crístian David
Mesa Gómez, Ómar Darío
Ramos Perdomo, Jenny Alejandra
Tipo de recurso:
Article of journal
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A
Repositorio Institucional UDCA
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Educación física - Enseñanza - Colombia
Deporte escolar
Caracterización de programas
Legislación deporte escolar
Organizaciones deportivas públicas
Derechos Reservados - Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales
Summary:This study aims to characterize and compare school sports programs offered from the Colombian government. At present, various school sports programs are being developed at the national level, such as: Supérate Intercolegiados, Complementary School Time (TEC), in Bogotá, D.C., sports initiation centers in Cali, development centers in Risaralda, among others. The problem that gives rise to this study, is based on the absence of consolidated databases of all school sports programs that exist in Colombia. In addition, another important factor is the conceptual divergence that the offered programs have regarding school sport and its purposes, in addition to the absence of studies evaluating the impact of these programs and the mechanisms that the state has to verify that the programs are complying with The objectives proposed by the Law. Theoretically, this research is based on a review of the concept of school sport and school sport, the legislation that governs school sports in Colombia and the organizational structure of school sports. The research design is descriptive, with a mixed approach and a non-experimental design. At the level of results, it is expected to find all the information of school sports programs at national level, from the categories: objectives, resources, coverage, sports disciplines, participating municipalities, educational institutions, sports scenarios, and achievements.Results: To date it has been found that all departments participate in the program Supérate, although it hasthe same regulations, presents different developments in each of the regions. To date, there are evidences regarding the participation figures, the type of disciplines that are offered and the population groups that are served.In this way, it is found that there are school sports programs in the different departments of Colombia, identifying that the departments with the highest level of economic resources have up to two or three programs for their community. And, on the contrary, there are other departments that do not have a single school sports program of their own, and only participate in the program Supérate Intercolegiados, which has attached to most of the 32 departments of Colombia.