Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una constructora dedicada a la construcción y o diseño sostenible y sustentable de nombre Primer Arte S.A.S

As undergraduate students of the university of QUINDIO of the faculty of SCIENCE AND ECONOMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES a study of feasibility for the creation of a professional services company by name PRIMER ARTE S.A.S. with a corporate purpose in which it will be dedicated to the production of...

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Uran Rosas, Juan Alejandro
Giraldo Urrea, Dubier Alberto
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad del Quindío
Repositorio Universidad del Quindío
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Palabra clave:
Estudio de factibilidad
Derechos Reservados - Universidad del Quindio, 2011
Summary:As undergraduate students of the university of QUINDIO of the faculty of SCIENCE AND ECONOMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES a study of feasibility for the creation of a professional services company by name PRIMER ARTE S.A.S. with a corporate purpose in which it will be dedicated to the production of sustainable and sustainable housing in the department of Quindío. In order to comply with said corporate purpose, it is agreed to fill one of the basic needs of Quindians that is decent housing. Besides of added value of using material use policies and systems and techniques that reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption in the processes constructive However, it is also oriented to results in the markets, legal, environmental, organizational and financial, receiving results of mutual benefit to society, nature, and company analyzed.