Diseño del plan estratégico para posicionar la opción de grado pasantías del Programa Administración de Negocios en su Modalidad Distancia

This project presents the achievements obtained for the descriptive and inductive studies of the realization of Strategic Plan for the area`s internship of the Administration Business Program at the Quindío University in the distance learning , Which aims to promote the rates of interns of the CAT (...

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Rave González, Laura Nathalia
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad del Quindío
Repositorio Universidad del Quindío
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Derechos Reservados - Universidad del Quindio
Summary:This project presents the achievements obtained for the descriptive and inductive studies of the realization of Strategic Plan for the area`s internship of the Administration Business Program at the Quindío University in the distance learning , Which aims to promote the rates of interns of the CAT (Centers Tutorial Care) Department Quindío, Valle, Caldas and Risaralda, for this purpose was effected the analysis of the actual situation of the area, applying strategic matrices, the canvas model and perception surveys, obtaining a series of knowledge relevant to the development of a strategic proposal to provide solutions to existing shortcomings and these will lead to the realization of the plan of action using matrix scorecard, aims to improve the image for all students creating more linkages and relationship with the interns, in this vein was allowed to design objectives, strategies, tactics, goals and short-term indicators, which can be met for members of the area, to be essential for addressing ignorance before the students of this degree option and to build a value proposition that motivates them to be linked to a process.