Plan exportador de la empresa Exporcafé para la comercialización del producto de café especial; Estate Coffee en grano marca Concorde, en el mercado internacional

Consuming special coffee is not only a worldwide trend, but also a healthy life style which is evidenced by the international increment of sustainability and demand of different products of high quality that are also environmentally friendly. This is the reason why Colombia, already recognized for t...

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Jaramillo Echeverry, Margareth
Valencia Ríos, Diana Carolina
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad del Quindío
Repositorio Universidad del Quindío
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Derechos Reservados - Universidad del Quindio, 2013
Summary:Consuming special coffee is not only a worldwide trend, but also a healthy life style which is evidenced by the international increment of sustainability and demand of different products of high quality that are also environmentally friendly. This is the reason why Colombia, already recognized for the quality of its green coffee, offers a product that not only adapts to these characteristics and demands, but also gives an empowerment to such place and creates a bigger value to its producers: it is for this reason that special coffee surges in this country. The Exporcafé Company attends the changes of the productive model of this region and the high demand of the international market, where the characteristics of this product, special coffee, are greatly appreciated. They diversify their portfolio, offering a product with its included value, in other words, a processed coffee, that from its harvest to its shipment counts with an arduous selection of coffee grains with the objection of eliminating impurities and obtaining coffee that is distinguished for its size and form, the cleansing process and its distinctive flavor; here is where Estate Coffee, from the Concord brand, surges. For the adequate internationalization of Estate Coffee they perform an exportation plan through an intensive study that analyzes the company and it's potential exporter, identifying the strengths and weaknesses, the conditions of the market, consumption rates and opportunities and threats that allow define the marketing target of the product. This is done with the purpose of formulating strategies through a plan of action that prepares the product and the company to enter successfully in the established market.