Alfredo Veiga-Neto y los estudios Foucaultianos en educación.

"A voracious reader and prolific and prolific writer, Alfredo is the great disseminator, for the field of education, of Foucault's thought in Latin America, since, without a doubt, there is no other intellectual in our continent who has dedicated a significant part of his professional life...

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Noguera-Ramírez, Carlos Ernesto
Espinel, Oscar
León Palencia, Ana Cristina
Marín-Díaz, Dora Lilia
Parra, Gustavo Adolfo
Pulido Cortés, Oscar
Rubio Gaviria, David Andrés
Sosa Gutiérrez, Alexander
Teresa Suárez, María
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Repositorio Institucional UPN
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Filosofía de la educación
Pedagogía – Investigaciones
Pedagogía – Prácticas profesionales
Educación – Investigaciones
Foucault, Michel, 1926 – 1984 – Crítica e interpretación
Formación profesional de maestros
Metodología en pedagogía
Veiga-Neto, Alfredo – Crítica e interpretación
Philosophy of education
Pedagogy - Research
Pedagogy - Professional practices
Education - Research
Foucault, Michel, 1926 - 1984 - Criticism and interpretation
Professional teacher training
Methodology in pedagogy
Veiga-Neto, Alfredo - Criticism and interpretation
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Summary:"A voracious reader and prolific and prolific writer, Alfredo is the great disseminator, for the field of education, of Foucault's thought in Latin America, since, without a doubt, there is no other intellectual in our continent who has dedicated a significant part of his professional life to interpret and spread the thought of the French philosopher. The work of disseminating the thought of an author is an activity that enriches and energizes an academic community. Alfredo's reading and interpretation of Foucault not only gave rise to a new field of academic work in Brazil, the “Foucauldian studies in education”, but also contributed to its consolidation and its extension to other countries on the continent. Although all academic activity benefits, in the first place, its author, the disclosure has the particularity of being explicitly directed to others; it is made for the others, depending on the others, the possible readers, a more or less determined public to which one wants to inform or train. In that sense, it constitutes a pedagogical action and not just an academic one."