Sobre los derchos de la personalidad

In this article "on personality rights", they are discussed as an essential basic civil protection of the rights of man as applicable for each individual, and as the individual's maximum guarantee under private Law. Although approaching a proper classification is not easy, given the e...

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Domíguez Guillén, María Candelaria
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de la Sabana
Repositorio Universidad de la Sabana
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Palabra clave:
Derechos humanos
Protección civil
Integridad física
Integridad moral
Daño moral
Summary:In this article "on personality rights", they are discussed as an essential basic civil protection of the rights of man as applicable for each individual, and as the individual's maximum guarantee under private Law. Although approaching a proper classification is not easy, given the expository nature of general personal rights, in general terms a triple categorization ensues as follows:The individuals' right to their own identity; their rights relating to their own body or physical integrtty; and their rights associated to their moral or mental integrity. The right to an identity is explained as the privilege of being unique and unrepeatable, the violation of which takes place where, basically. the biographical truth is affected. Rights relating to the body and physical integrityare expressed in the right to live, to preserve physical integrtty, and to dispose of the own body at will. FinalIy, the rights associated to the individual's moral or mental integrtty could in turn be subclassifted into freeDOM, honor, privacy, confidentiality, selfdetermination regarding information, image, and voice. Moral damages should the rights under study be violated is the main pecuniary satisfaction way reflecting an expression of civil responsibility as far as the individual's protection is concemed in accordance with private Law.