Aplicación móvil diseñada para gestionar torneos y reservas en escenarios deportivos

Our solution was born from the necessity to automate and improve the process of scheduling reservations in sports establishments. Currently, this process is sensitive to errors due to it is realized manually, which open the possibility to make multiple reservations in the same hour, generating confl...

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Henriquez, Enrique
Roncallo, Javier
Guzmán, Yasir
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Universidad del Norte
Repositorio Uninorte
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Palabra clave:
Gestión de reservas, Gestión de torneos, Escenarios deportivos, Canchas sintéticas, Consejos de cuidado de la salud
Manage reservations, Manage tournaments, Sport stages, Synthetic fields, health care tips
Universidad del Norte
Summary:Our solution was born from the necessity to automate and improve the process of scheduling reservations in sports establishments. Currently, this process is sensitive to errors due to it is realized manually, which open the possibility to make multiple reservations in the same hour, generating conflict between customers. Additionally in the tournaments that are carried out in these establishment leads disorganization, which is reflected in delays in the programming of matches, statistics errors and another situations that generate discontent on the participants. To solve these problems we decided to implement a platform that allow visualize in real time the availability of the sports establishments of several cities, as well as enrolling in the tournaments organized by these establishments. This platform will have an administrative management module that will allow the owners of sports establishments to manage their bookings and tournaments, this module will have the following functionalities: Automatic generation of the matches schedule, tournament statistics and reservation scheduling. To evaluate if indeed our solution solves the problems previously mentioned, we surveyed a sample from the target population (Clients and owners of sports establishments), this survey was based on the SUS form. The result of these surveys threw an average score of 93,4. Due to high user acceptance to the platform, we conclude that this solve the problem of multiple bookings at the same hour for one field, validating that no more than one reservation can be done in a field in a given hour. Also, automate the process of matches generation and tournament statistics, reducing the complexity of implementing them, and giving an organized way to track them.