Analysis of the evolution of the use of operational risk accounts in financial institutions in Colombia [Análisis de la evolución del uso de las cuentas contables de riesgo operativo en las entidades financieras en Colombia]

Operating risk has been implemented in financial institutions in Colombia since 2007 with the requirements of the SARO, among the requirements is the accounting disclosure of losses generated by this type of risk, therefore it is necessary to perform an analysis of its evolution and how it has been...

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Universidad de Medellín
Repositorio UDEM
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Summary:Operating risk has been implemented in financial institutions in Colombia since 2007 with the requirements of the SARO, among the requirements is the accounting disclosure of losses generated by this type of risk, therefore it is necessary to perform an analysis of its evolution and how it has been the use of operational risk accounts in financial institutions in Colombia, particularly in Banks, Pension Funds and Fiduciaries. © 2018, Revista Espacios.El riesgo operativo se ha venido implementando en las entidades financieras en Colombia desde el 2007 con las exigencias del SARO, entre las exigencias se encuentra la de revelación contable de las pérdidas generadas por este tipo de riesgo, por lo tanto se hace necesario realizar un análisis de su evolución y cómo ha sido el uso de las cuentas de riesgo operativo en las entidades financieras en Colombia, particularmente en los Bancos, Fondos de Pensiones y Cesantías y Fiduciarias. © 2018, Revista Espacios.