Análisis de la percepción de seguridad en puentes peatonales: una aproximación mediante modelación híbrida

This article of scientific and technological research studies safety perception on pedestrian bridges, through an approach based on two main areas: the microeconomic and psychological. This paper estimates simultaneously a hybrid model of choice and latent variables, with data from a stated preferen...

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Márquez, Luis; Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Tipo de recurso:
Article of journal
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de Medellín
Repositorio UDEM
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Discrete choice models
latent variables
hybrid modelling
safety perceptions
modelos de elección discreta
variables latentes
modelación híbrida
percepciones de seguridad
Summary:This article of scientific and technological research studies safety perception on pedestrian bridges, through an approach based on two main areas: the microeconomic and psychological. This paper estimates simultaneously a hybrid model of choice and latent variables, with data from a stated preference survey, finding that this model fits better than a mixed logit reference model, which indicates that safety perception determines the behaviour of pedestrians when faced with the decision to use or not a pedestrian bridge. It was found that gender, age and educational level are attributes that affect safety perception. The calibrated model suggests several strategies to increase the use of pedestrian bridges, which are discussed, finding that the use of pedestrian barriers causes a loss of utility that should be studied as an extension of this work.