La persona en la organización: relaciones de autoridad, de conflicto y de poder. Una visión desde la universidad

One of the basic features of organizations is that they are made up from individuals and these develop conflict, authority and power relationships. This is something completely natural; however, being so complex, it has been looked up from different view points.This paper focuses on Simon’s and Lore...

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Universidad de Medellín
Repositorio UDEM
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Palabra clave:
Individual and organization
authority and conflict
person in the university
power and authority.
Persona y organización
el Poder en las organizacione
. autoridad y conflicto
la persona en la Universidad
poder y autonomía universitaria
Summary:One of the basic features of organizations is that they are made up from individuals and these develop conflict, authority and power relationships. This is something completely natural; however, being so complex, it has been looked up from different view points.This paper focuses on Simon’s and Lorenzer’s ideas, with the aim of showing the individual can look at the problem both from the social or the personal side, completely changing subject’s perspectives.Similarly conflict, even though it is perfectly natural in organized groups, for some it involves destruction, disintegration and it has only negative aspects as exposed by Parson. For other, there are totally opposed visions like Mayo’s, who considers it an equilibrium factor. University also of course fully identifies within this dynamics, and therefore it becomes necessary tosee this threefold relationship, both from the history and inherent synergies. The so called universityautonomy is a form of power which had Its origin in England, and has been taken up In other parts of theworld for universities to preserve their own identity, in Colombia universities also claim this autonomyfrom legislative acts.