Los jóvenes de la ciudad de Popayán frente al cambio climático. Un estudio desde las representaciones sociales

This research was conducted under the project “Representations to Cli­mate Change: Knowledge, Beliefs and Behaviors of the community in the municipality of Popayán”, implemented by the Environmental Studies Group (GEA) at the University of Cauca. Its purpose was to explore the representations addres...

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Alvear-Narváez, Nilsa Lorena; Universidad del Cauca
Ceballos Sarria, Victoria Eugenia; Universidad del Cauca
Urbano Bolaños, Maricela; Universidad del Cauca
Tipo de recurso:
Article of journal
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de Medellín
Repositorio UDEM
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
social representations
urban ecosystem
global environmental issues
environmental education
urban environmental management
representaciones sociales
ecosistemas urbanos
problemáticas ambientales globales
educación ambiental
gestión ambiental urbana.
Summary:This research was conducted under the project “Representations to Cli­mate Change: Knowledge, Beliefs and Behaviors of the community in the municipality of Popayán”, implemented by the Environmental Studies Group (GEA) at the University of Cauca. Its purpose was to explore the representations addressing climate change in an urban population, as a reference basis for proposing criteria in formulating strategies for edu­cation programs in climate change research that develops, such as “En­vironmental Monitoring for Climate Change High Andean Agricultural ecosystems (MACACEA) “. In this case study through an instrument demoscopic population between 15 and 29 years of age residing in urban area of Popayan, core issues regarding climate change is presented as: knowledge and beliefs about causes, processes and consequences of cli­mate change, and the importance attributed sources.