Manual de producción con mecanismos de financiación para cortometrajes universitarios de bajo presupuesto en Colombia

The current paper has as it main goal to elaborate a handbook to assist students during the development of their audiovisual projects or low-budget short films, giving particular attention to the funding and financial support of it and the existing alternatives in Colombia. To this end, the design o...

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Palomino Aragón, María Camila
Toro Cárdenas, Daniela Tatiana
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
RED: Repositorio Educativo Digital UAO
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Cine y Comunicación Digital
Financiamiento de cortometrajes-Colombia
Ley de cine
Derechos Reservados - Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
Summary:The current paper has as it main goal to elaborate a handbook to assist students during the development of their audiovisual projects or low-budget short films, giving particular attention to the funding and financial support of it and the existing alternatives in Colombia. To this end, the design of the project was made in three stages: On the first part it was carried out a study about the existing mechanisms used by students to successfully fund their university short films; to collect the information, several interviews were made to different students with the purpose of learning the type of projects they have worked on, what challenges they faced, to know if indeed they have knowledge about recursive production and the mechanisms of tax funding, the funding methods used, the difficulties endured in the production process, and who is in charged of getting the funding of the universitary projects. This data was reinforced with the interview made to different professionals in audiovisuals, focusing on how they have funded their audiovisual projects as the options they know and can use. Subsequent, having studied the theory and the results of the interviews, the next step was to establish the process that has to be followed by a student at the time of using a mechanism of tax funding, commercial funding and cultural funding in Colombia. This information was incorporated in the basis of the design of the instrument In the research it was noticed that one of the biggest issues is not the lack or resources but otherwise the lack of knowledge that the students have about the existing mechanisms, therefor, the topic of study is in the funding of university short films. The purpose of this paper is to give the students a didactical guide, through a handbook, with the best options and mechanisms to fund and bring their projects to reality