Análisis económico del sector educativo en el municipio de Yumbo - Valle periodo 2001-2010

The present work seeks to evaluate the economic effectiveness of the resources received from the General Participation System during the 2011-2015 period compared to the quality and coverage of the official educational sector of the Municipality of Yumbo, supported by secondary information sources....

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Paredes Sarmiento, Isabel Cristina
Valderrama Chaguendo, Christian David
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
RED: Repositorio Educativo Digital UAO
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Indicadores económicos
Análisis económico
Educación Yumbo (Valle del Cauca)
Calidad de la educación
Derechos Reservados - Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
Summary:The present work seeks to evaluate the economic effectiveness of the resources received from the General Participation System during the 2011-2015 period compared to the quality and coverage of the official educational sector of the Municipality of Yumbo, supported by secondary information sources. In this sense, we start from the theoretical premise of education as a private good produced by the State and the Economy of Education. In this sense, it is concluded that both in the issue of coverage and in the topic of Educational Quality, during the period 2011 - 2015, the financial resources that the municipality of Yumbo invested in the education sector, and that came from the SGP, it did not generate significant advances, which is why the hypothesis proposed in the present work is discarded, which indicated that these financial resources "were invested efficiently, achieving a significant impact on educational coverage, quality, evidenced through the results of Testing Saber 3, 5, 9 and 11, and that projected it so that once certified in 2015, it will take advantage of resources, substantially increased, to consolidate new strategies that will allow it to improve in quality. By 2015, coverage has already been reached by 100%. " On the contrary, based on the results of this research, it is clear that none of this happened, and leaves to the authorities of the municipality the challenge of reviewing and rethinking the strategies that during the period 2011-2015 have been implemented to improve the coverage and the quality of education at the basic and secondary levels. Keywords: Education, Economy of Education, Educational Coverage, Educational Quality, Enrollment