Sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo en el Laboratorio Clínico De La Empresa Gales IPS S.A.S

GALES IPS SAS is a company domiciled in Cali, located in the Colombia Clinic in the south of the city, dedicated mainly to the provision of health services in the area of External Consultation and Specialized Clinical Laboratory level 4, aimed at providing services of quality and excellence always t...

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Solis Moreno, Yolanda Lyzet
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
RED: Repositorio Educativo Digital UAO
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Palabra clave:
Ingenieria Industrial
Seguridad industrial
Salud ocupacional
Riesgos ocupacionales
Derechos Reservados - Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
Summary:GALES IPS SAS is a company domiciled in Cali, located in the Colombia Clinic in the south of the city, dedicated mainly to the provision of health services in the area of External Consultation and Specialized Clinical Laboratory level 4, aimed at providing services of quality and excellence always thinking about the welfare of both its internal and external customers. The application of the Safety and Health Management System at work in the Clinical Laboratory area encompasses a continuous process of recognition, evaluation and prevention of risks and accidents, associated with actions that ensure that the process is sustainable over time. The risk of exposures, infections acquired in the laboratory and unintentional release of agents or materials for the work environment should be reduced by guaranteeing the competence of technicians, professionals and laboratory assistants at all levels. Competence is a measurable and documentable factor that involves not only the skills that can be taught and developed, but also the judgment and ability to recognize the limitations of the work environment and one's own abilities and that of other people in the laboratory. not knowing that it is the task and responsibility of the company to establish, implement and execute a correct management system and at the same time take measures that involve all patients of all services, regardless of whether or not they know their clinical background, therefore all personnel must follow standard precautions routinely to prevent exposure of the skin and mucous membranes, in all situations that may give rise to accidents, whether or not contact with blood or any other body fluid of the patient is foreseen. These precautions must be applied to all people, regardless of presenting or not pathologies. When analyzing this scenario, a hazard matrix was made based on the GTC 45 OF 2012 Standard, which identified and valued the risks to which employees were exposed within the area of the Clinical Laboratory of the company GALES IPS SAS, in their respective jobs, by constantly manipulating by means of samples that collect and process, microorganisms, biological secretions, tissues and human body organs, animals and / or vegetables, etc., present in certain work environments, that when coming into contact with the organism , can trigger in direct contagions or diseases. Taking into account the above, the general purpose is to perform the documentation of the SG-SST and that this in turn is implemented in the company in compliance with Colombian regulations, always leaving the relevant recommendations for the company to continue and generate day by day continuous improvements to the system.