De los Andes

De los Andes is a sonata-shaped work that, as the name implies, evokes some of the folk music of the entire Andes Mountains, which is most evident in the exposition of its two themes: the first one has airs to dance, playful and with good rhythmic activity, sometimes going from a 6/8 metric sensatio...

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Ortega Ramírez, David
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Universidad EAFIT
Repositorio EAFIT
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Copyright (c) 2017 David Ortega Ramírez
Summary:De los Andes is a sonata-shaped work that, as the name implies, evokes some of the folk music of the entire Andes Mountains, which is most evident in the exposition of its two themes: the first one has airs to dance, playful and with good rhythmic activity, sometimes going from a 6/8 metric sensation to a 3/4 one, common in Colombian music like the corridor; while the second one is inclined towards Argentine life specifically, which is made audible in the melody and the resources used in it, also in the rhythm marked with pizzicato in pulses one and three in a 3/4 beat imitating the “box "Used in such music. This exhibition is followed by a development based on the two contrasting themes, undergoing both strong transformations. The work concludes with the re-exhibition of the themes presented at the beginning but exchanging their order, so the first theme of the work will be the last one, this in order to achieve a more rhythmic end and reaching a climax.