The Entrepreneurship Ideology. An Assessment Based on the Critical Discourse Analysis

This article aims to elucidate certain ideological stances in the administrative discourse of entrepreneurship in High Education Institutions in Medellin. The qualitative-approach methodology is based on the Critical Discourse Analysis and analyzes the “construction” of discourses from the discursiv...

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Jaime Andrés Ararat Herrera
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Universidad EAFIT
Repositorio EAFIT
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Palabra clave:
Discourse Analysis
Ideological Stance
Discursive Devices
Textual Structure
Higher Education Institutions.
análisis del discurso
posturas ideológicas
dispositivos discursivos
estructura textual
Instituciones de Educación Superior
Copyright © 2010 Jaime Andrés Ararat Herrera
Summary:This article aims to elucidate certain ideological stances in the administrative discourse of entrepreneurship in High Education Institutions in Medellin. The qualitative-approach methodology is based on the Critical Discourse Analysis and analyzes the “construction” of discourses from the discursive practices of those in charge of orienting their social praxis in the abovementioned institutions. The information was gathered with the use of semistructured interviews and ideological analysis of the news textual structure in institutional newspapers. The results evidence internal contradictions between the theoretical and practical discourse that support the teaching of entrepreneurship in each institution. The theoretical discourse professes an inclusive discourse based on social equality and opportunities for everyone; whereas the practical discourse evidences a discourse based on exclusion through the use of certain strategies and discursive devices that identify ideological stances as group members of a specific social group. Two social groups are “built” from the socio-discursive viewpoint: entrepreneurs and employees.