Mejoras en la gestión de la función recierre de reconectadores para optimizar indicadores de calidad en la red eléctrica y su impacto en la comunidad

A reliable and continuous electrical service is essential for the development and well-being of communities, which is why preventive maintenance work is carried out daily without interrupting the electrical supply. Hand in hand with investments aimed at modernizing electrical infrastructure, which i...

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Barros Álvarez, Martín Ángel
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Transient faults
Live working
Fallas transitorias
Trabajos en tensión
Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Summary:A reliable and continuous electrical service is essential for the development and well-being of communities, which is why preventive maintenance work is carried out daily without interrupting the electrical supply. Hand in hand with investments aimed at modernizing electrical infrastructure, which includes the installation of new reclosers, it is important to optimally manage this equipment to take full advantage of the advantages they offer. In the company under study, a deficiency was observed in its internal procedure regarding the request, approval and execution of scheduled works in voltage at a level of 13.8 kV. It has been found that there is no specification of the reclosing scheme of the reclosers that have an impact on the work areas. when starting work, the reclosing of all the reclosers associated with the circuits involved in the work is deactivated. the jobs. The company has downplayed the impact that this condition may have on quality indicators and on the community it serves, therefore, this research first aims to demonstrate the consequences of this deficiency in the provision of electric energy service, and additionally propose applicable improvements with the objective of mitigating the exposed effects. This research focuses on analyzing indicators linked to failures at 13.8 kV, establishing the classification between these failures and reclosing management and evaluating the general impact on service quality indicators during scheduled live work. With the proposals to improve the management of reclosing of reclosers during scheduled live work, the aim is not only to comply with regulations and standards, but also to improve the quality of electrical service for the community served by the company. This strategic approach not only benefits businesses in terms of operational efficiency and regulatory compliance, but also directly contributes to the well-being and trust of end users