Caracterización de los Esquemas Maladaptativos Tempranos ETD`S y las estrategias de afrontamiento de los grumetes regulares de primer año GTE1 de la Escuela Naval de Suboficiales ENSB. ARC “Barranquilla”

This work was intended to strengthen the process of military training seamen recruit pettyofficers Navy School ARC "Barranquilla", through the characterization of early maladaptive schemas of personality and coping strategies in students entering as regular seamen recruit first year in thi...

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Marino Buitrago, Jorge Andres
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Esquemas Maladaptativos Tempranos
Estrategias de Afrontamiento
caracterización socio demográfica
Atribución – No comercial – Compartir igual
Summary:This work was intended to strengthen the process of military training seamen recruit pettyofficers Navy School ARC "Barranquilla", through the characterization of early maladaptive schemas of personality and coping strategies in students entering as regular seamen recruit first year in this military institution, with the intention of determining factors of prevalence in this population, in the search for risk factors that may be considered to prevent mood disorders and provide an empirical basis for these variables taken into account at the time of incorporation. The study was conducted on a sample of 114 census Regular seamen recruits belonging to the same naval training course. This study was framed in the analytical empirical paradigm, the theoretical approach is synthetic, and analytical cross temporality and prevalent type, data were collected from three instruments: a form of socio demographic author details, Inventory of Coping Strategies (CSI) Tobin, Holroyd, Reynolds and Kigal (1989). Adapted by Cano Rodriguez and Garcia (2006) and Young, Schemacuestionnaire - SecondEdition, YSQ-2: validated by Castrillón Colombia, Chavez, Ferrer, Londoño, Maestre, Marin and Schnitter (2005). The results show a central agglomerated population trends, standards specific to the processes of incorporation of the Armed Forces parameters. In theoretical terms, no trends or results demonstrating prevalence in some of the variables associated with this study were presented.