Evaluación del desempeño de un amortiguador de masa sintonizado no lineal mediante simulaciones híbridas en tiempo real

Introduction− In this paper, the Real-time Hybrid Simulation (RTHS) of a Non-linear Tuned Mass Damper (NTMD) is described, and compares the results with those obtained from conventional experimental tests of a shear, single-storey structure with the NTMD. Objective− The objetive of this article is t...

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Thomson, Peter
Dyke, Shirley
Tipo de recurso:
Article of journal
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Control estructural
Amortiguador no lineal de masa sintonizado
Simulación híbrida en tiempo real
Mesa vibratoria
Interacción amortiguador-estructura
Structural control
Non-linear tuned mass damper
Real-time hybrid simulation
Shaking table
Damper-structure interaction
CC0 1.0 Universal
Summary:Introduction− In this paper, the Real-time Hybrid Simulation (RTHS) of a Non-linear Tuned Mass Damper (NTMD) is described, and compares the results with those obtained from conventional experimental tests of a shear, single-storey structure with the NTMD. Objective− The objetive of this article is to evaluate the effectiveness of an RTHS in estimating the performance of an NTMD. Methodology− The methodology consisted of the following three stages: main structure identification, NTMD design, and experimental evaluation of the structure-NTMD system. For the third stage, RTHS and vibrating table tests were used. Results− The results of the vibrating table tests showed that the NTMD reduced 77% and 63% of the peak accelerations and RMS of the main structure, with respect to the structure without control. The values of these reductions obtained with RTHS were 73% and 63%, respectively. The precision indices of the transfer system corresponded to a generalized amplitude of 1.01 and a delay of 2 ms. Conclusions− The NTMD, with a mass ratio of 10%, achieved reductions of more than 60% of the structural response. RTHS and the vibrating table test demonstrated that the NTMDstructure system had only one peak in frequency response. The noise in the RTHS feedback increased the degree of damping of the controlled structure. Finally, the experimental results demonstrated how RTHS is a technique that effectively predicts the RMS acceleration of the structure-NTMD system and can slightly overestimate its peak acceleration.