Definición geométrica de andamios metálicos para posibles aplicaciones en ingeniería de tejidos

Introduction− The design of porous structures used as scaffolds in tissue engineering, is directed towards the development of elements that promote bone consolida-tion processes, stabilizing tissue fragments in conven-tional biodegradable fixation devices.Objective−To obtain a digital three-dimensio...

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Acevedo Rueda, Oscar David
Fernández-Morales, Patricia
Ramirez, Juan
Tipo de recurso:
Article of journal
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Andamios metálicos
Ingeniería de tejidos
Modelo digital
Definición geométrica
Metallic scaffolds
Tissue engineering
Digital model
Geometric definition
CC0 1.0 Universal
Summary:Introduction− The design of porous structures used as scaffolds in tissue engineering, is directed towards the development of elements that promote bone consolida-tion processes, stabilizing tissue fragments in conven-tional biodegradable fixation devices.Objective−To obtain a digital three-dimensional mod-el for a cellular metal that resembles the cortical and trabecular bone morphology, with characteristics such as geometry, pore size, porosity and skin type coating, as well as providing a basis for the materialization of structures that improve bone regeneration and facilitate the control of the mechanical properties of the scaffold for the biological defects of its application.Methodology−A parametric 3D modeling code is pre-sented, by means of the definition of a uniform regular geometry with a suitable porosity and pore size, tak-ing into account the essence of the cellular metals and complemented by a skin-like coating body that sur-rounds the three-dimensional model seeking to elevate the rigidity and mechanical strength of the scaffolding, in addition to making possible the machining of own geometries and allowing isolation and protection for the cases in which it is required.Results− The development of two digital models for cel-lular metals with complex morphological conditions was generated, allowing a good interrelation of geometric pa-rameters for cell proliferation and a favorable response to structural stress in tissue engineering applications.Conclusions−The designed model demonstrates the possibility of being applied to development of bone fixa-tion alternatives, which decrease the inflammatory re-sponse, avoid secondary interventions and reduce the rejection rates of the elements currently used to treat-ment of musculoskeletal conditions.