Procesos pedagógicos y curriculares de la red de educadores “cómplices pedagógicos latinoamericanos” en tiempos pandemia

The work is a descriptive study on the different adaptations of the pedagogical and curricular processes, experienced by teachers of the "Network of Latin American Pedagogical Complicit Educators", in the midst of the pandemic crisis and, at the same time, show the methodological contribut...

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Sánchez Albino, Gabriel Hernando
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Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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Palabra clave:
Descriptive study
Teachers’ network
Pedagogical processes
Exchange of knowledge
Estudio descriptivo
Red de educadores
Procesos pedagógicos
Intercambio de saberes
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Summary:The work is a descriptive study on the different adaptations of the pedagogical and curricular processes, experienced by teachers of the "Network of Latin American Pedagogical Complicit Educators", in the midst of the pandemic crisis and, at the same time, show the methodological contributions that emerged, through dialogues and exchange of knowledge during international virtual cycles, in twelve countries of the region in 2020. A qualitative study was carried out, based on interviews, from which a matrix was constructed by categories and a descriptive analysis that made possible the foundation of the final report. Two moments were distinguished, the first had to do with particular aspects of the participants to recognize their contexts, geographical environments, areas and fields of action, which were a vital part of their daily lives, these aspects were transcendental in the comprehensive description, since they shed notions about school environments from human, geographical and pedagogical diversity, allowing the characterization of the participants. The second moment corresponded to the categories of analysis, already very specifically determined, taking into account the information resulting from the responses obtained in each category. The adaptations of the pedagogical and curricular processes, which the teachers of the Network of Educators "Latin American Pedagogical Accomplices" experienced due to the crisis in times of pandemic, allowed the strengthening of a network understood from permanent dialogue, human quality, innovation and the creativity. In addition to the commitments of their institutions, entities or classrooms, they met from virtuality to recreate their experiences, fortify their spirits and practices. By way of reflection; The adaptations in the pedagogical processes implemented by the teachers of the region were very similar coinciding with the chat forums, use of short documents, workshops, classes by Zoom and Meeting especially and, not least, in the elaboration of guides of work for social research thought from the territories.