Sociedades de comercialización internacional

The world economic scenario is so much in a quick process of deep change at structural, social and political level. In the economy today globalizada, it is important for the countries of the world to increase their level of managerial competitiveness, that which is related directly with the capacity...

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Falquez Figueroa, Verónica Liceth
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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Palabra clave:
Commercialization societies
Sociedades de comercialización
Atribución – No comercial – Compartir igual
Summary:The world economic scenario is so much in a quick process of deep change at structural, social and political level. In the economy today globalizada, it is important for the countries of the world to increase their level of managerial competitiveness, that which is related directly with the capacity of these to increase the growth of their level of exports. This supposes the creation of instruments that you/they allow to motivate the same ones, especially in the sectors of the economy in those that a certain country is strong. In the case of Colombia, the government of our country to achieve this objective, that is to say, the sustained growth of the exports, believe like incentive for the companies of the different sectors of the economy the figure of the commercialization societies that which allows to the companies to enjoy certain benefits, privileges that finally are translated in the growth of the same ones, you improve in the managerial competitiveness and in the growth of the economy of the country. Before such a situation, the societies of international commercialization, besides continuing taking advantage of to the maximum the special incentives that have on the part of the National Government, and that they have been they profitable in commercial treaties as that of handmade preferences, they should go as important union of the economy proposing new initiatives that allow them to confront with success the challenges that it outlines the competitive scenario that at economic level especially you this consolidating in the world. The main objective of this study was the one of analyzing the legal requirements that should follow the societies of International Commercialization of Colombia, to be positioned in a competitive way in the dynamic global market. Also, to diagnose the current state of the union of the societies of International Commercialization in Colombia, to correct the weaknesses and to exploit to the maximum their strategic strengths, and as well as to identify the actions and programs that this implementing the National Government to motivate the creation of new Societies of this type, with the purpose of promoting the Colombian exports. The method used in this investigation is of descriptive type, he/she makes a poll of the current panorama of the Societies of International Commercialization, it revises the opportunities of external trade that have these entities, and specifically in the Department of the Atlantic, in the city of Barranquilla. In conclusion one can say that one could notice along the development of this study that the economy from their principles beginning with the man's necessity of cultivating their foods and when this I overcome their necessities and leave the necessity to work in other products, the community is divided and they are another type of people those that begin to work another types of products like they are those of pottery, you begins to work the irons, you begins another classes of products that became to explode useful to the society. When in the society you begins to see this variety of products you begins to consider the truque the exchange of goods. The Societies Of International Commercialization besides being a benefit for the companies that decide to obtain it, are a mechanism I integrate and fundamental for the export of Colombian products and it is this way taxpaying for the invigoration of the Colombian economy, since these they collaborate in the active participation of Colombia in the exports. The Societies of International Commercialization, the companies that you/they decide to become an or merchant that he/she wants to create a, should know that their participation is fundamental and of great importance for Colombia since of the paper that you/they act spoke of the name of our country, of our products and of the mechanisms used for the export.