Factores que inciden en la deserción escolar en las instituciones educativas estatales de básica secundaria del municipio de Baranoa, en el departamento del Atlántico

The research work aims to analyze the socio-economic causes, family and academic on the dropout of students of the secondary basic education institutions of the municipality of Baranoa, Atlantic. This is a review of documents related to the dropout. The development of this study identified a descrip...

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Gutiérrez Restrepo, Carlos
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Educativas Básica Secundaria-Baranoa, Atlántico
sistema educativo-situación económica
secondary basic education - Baranoa, Atlantic
educational system- economic
Atribución – No comercial – Compartir igual
Summary:The research work aims to analyze the socio-economic causes, family and academic on the dropout of students of the secondary basic education institutions of the municipality of Baranoa, Atlantic. This is a review of documents related to the dropout. The development of this study identified a descriptive research, because through it you can use techniques of data collection, under a method of inductive research, because of the results obtained can be extracted diagnoses, designed all of the schools operating in the municipality. The object of study population was made up by 238 students. It took the sample of 50 students. This population will apply the technical collection of the survey, in the form of questions questionnaire, which was validated by our Adviser of the project and a process of analysis with the group, given the characteristics of the population. Obtained information proceeded to nalysis and interpretation of data, using graphic and paintings which allowed to reach its conclusions, in which most students and parents agree that one of the factors which influences the withdrawal of students in the schools is the economic situation, therefore, is considered relevant to search for a proposal to reduce the high rates of school drop-out in the basic secondary schools of the municipality, and to contribute in this way that no child is connected on the outside of the educational system.