Caracterización del uso de la red social Instagram en estudiantes del Liceo Mixto San José (Soledad-Atlántico)

The present study that was carried out at the Colegio Liceo Mixto San José de Soledad, Atlántico (Colombia), had the purpose of characterizing the use of the social network Instagram in its eleventh-grade students, from the identification of the way in which young people use this digital platform, i...

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Caicedo Lucas, Jorge Mario
Salon Blanco, Néstor
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Use of social networks
Young people
Content in networks
Uso de redes sociales
Contenido en redes
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Summary:The present study that was carried out at the Colegio Liceo Mixto San José de Soledad, Atlántico (Colombia), had the purpose of characterizing the use of the social network Instagram in its eleventh-grade students, from the identification of the way in which young people use this digital platform, in addition to knowing the media skills they have and the perception they have about Instagram. From the theoretical point of view, it was based on authors such as Scolari (2008) regarding hypermediations; Katz, Blumler and Gurevitch regarding the theory of uses and gratifications; Ferrés and Piscitelli (2012) for media skills. This qualitative study (Martínez, 2006), allowed to know the meaning and social meanings of the students in the context of using the social network Instagram. The unit of analysis was made up of high school students and 10 out of eleven grades were selected to apply the focus group technique (Escobar and Bonilla, 2011), in order to know their opinions regarding their perception and use of this social network, the technique was applied through a group video call on Google Meet and as a result it was possible to show that there is a pattern of use focused on consuming entertainment content on this platform, in addition, functionalities such as stories and the search engine for dissemination were highlighted and content consumption.