Propuesta de mejora para la seguridad y salud en el trabajo y la gestión de residuos sólidos de las comercializadoras de productos pesqueros del mercado de Tasajeras “Julio Ayala Gutiérrez”.

The United Nations considers responsible production and consumption as a goal of sustainable development that involves the promotion of safe work environments with low environmental impact. In the municipality of Tasajeras, particularly in the Julio Ayala Gutierrez market, based on observation and d...

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Cañas Macias, Juliana Patricia
Corro Salcedo, Yaneiris
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:
Occupational health and safety
Environmental management
Fisheries sector
Gestión de residuos sólidos
Sector pesquero
Seguridad y salud en el trabajo
Summary:The United Nations considers responsible production and consumption as a goal of sustainable development that involves the promotion of safe work environments with low environmental impact. In the municipality of Tasajeras, particularly in the Julio Ayala Gutierrez market, based on observation and documentary review, the need was established to design strategies to reduce occupational hazards and environmental impact in places that sell fish, due to that no programs or plans were found that protect this community from the risks to which they are exposed with the development of their work activity. With the application of collection instruments, it was established that workers who sell fish in the Tasajeras market are exposed to biological, physical, psychosocial, biomechanical, natural, safety hazards, as well as the environmental conditions for the development of their activities. framed in the absence of a comprehensive waste management plan, so there is an inadequate disposal of these, these two situations have a negative impact on the performance of the workplace. It has information, documents, visits, interviews and data that allow to complete a diagnosis of the situation and that in turn give support to achieve the objectives set in the project. In addition, strategies will be designed to meet the legal requirements regarding security and environment, that the community of market workers can be oriented on how to reduce environmental impacts with the usual work methods and processes they use in the market, by raising these ideas and suggestions on how to reduce the environmental impact of different activities of the fish market .This project is transcendent because in this fishing community there is ignorance or ignore the risks to which they are exposed when performing this craft work; for the work team it will be satisfactory to provide strategies that allow a safe working environment for this community as well as the execution of its work under the approach of environmentally sustainable development.