Guía práctica para la interventoría en la construcción de viviendas de interés social sismorresistentes de un piso

The present work consists of the achievement of an analysis of the current technical norms used in the housing construction of social Interest of an apartment and an analysis of the existing rules of law to control the fulfillment of these. The community to be favored with this type of projects of s...

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Cuadro Gutiérrez, Juan José
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Vivienda sociales
Ingeniería de estructuras
Construcciones antisísmicas
Earthquake-resistant constructions
Structural engineering
Social housing
Atribución – No comercial – Compartir igual
Summary:The present work consists of the achievement of an analysis of the current technical norms used in the housing construction of social Interest of an apartment and an analysis of the existing rules of law to control the fulfillment of these. The community to be favored with this type of projects of social interest, in general they are of very low resources, hence, the government subsidizes 100 % of the cost of these housings, without worrying itself for the quality of the used materials, required labor and execution times. The topic is analyzed by the target to propose a handlebar to realize the interventoría to the housing construction of social interest of an apartment, which serves like manual for the implementation of the fulfillment of the norms and of this form to facilitate the work of the inspector. In accordance with the used methodology the present study is of descriptive type; the target of the application of this methodology is to describe the state, the characteristics, factors and present procedures in the construction of works of social interest and to realize an analysis of the role that the interventorías fulfill inside the process of fulfillment of norms. As result of the present investigation one can establish that at present the application of the interventorías for the housing construction of social interest is considered to be a superfluous and onerous function and it is possible to conclude that the interventoría is not formed like an independent discipline in the articles of association and there exist neither nor specific rules either a practical and clear guide to be used by the agents of this office; that is to say that a clear regulation exists neither for the housing construction of social interest, nor either quality insurance or necessary planned and systematical actions to achieve the fulfillment of the quality requisites established previously by the contractor