Propuesta curricular mediada por las humanidades que desarrollaré el pensamiento critico

Abstract The formation of critical thinking is a topic that has represented special interest for the pedagogical community for several decades. The epistemology, didactics and thinking skills that make it up continue to be a current topic among the authors and a source of knowledge for teachers (Rod...

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Atencia De la Hoz, Tatiana
Reales López, Alba
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Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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Pensamiento critico
Critical thinking
Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Summary:Abstract The formation of critical thinking is a topic that has represented special interest for the pedagogical community for several decades. The epistemology, didactics and thinking skills that make it up continue to be a current topic among the authors and a source of knowledge for teachers (Rodríguez, 2018). It is a priority that the school provide scenarios for the formation of criticality as part of being, a criticality understood as the desire for social transformation, the solution of environmental problems, from community values. However, most of the critical thinking training programs have not reached the classroom, or they have arrived but have not had the desired effect. Alabara and Sadeghdaghi, 2013, cited by Mickey, Franco and Villacis (2018) determine that one of the main obstacles for the formation of critical thinking to be visible are the lack of objectives in the official curricula and the lack of training of teachers. teachers to carry out a task that is highly complex. On the other hand, initial training students must be reinforced in basic skills to deal with information from the media and take an argumentative position in this regard. The curriculum is a structural tool that allows the planning and execution of the teaching and learning practice, which is designed seeking educational quality through curricular projects, as stated by Hernández (s/f), El diseño curricular It can be understood as a dimension of the curriculum that reveals the methodology, actions, and results of the diagnosis, modeling, structuring, and organization of curricular projects. From our educational practice we agree that students perceive a teaching-learning process that is often far from what is planned and proposed in the educational project, this is because it is frequently not updated to the needs of the students. This proposal aims to design the Micro level curriculum of the humanities and Spanish language area by venturing into critical thinking skills to address the new needs of the I.E.D. Instituto Técnico de Comercio Barranquilla after the virtual education that was implemented during the Covid 19 pandemic. In this sense, it provides the educational community with a complement to the training of its students, who are educated to manage accounting technical resources, the volume of information, the consolidation of companies, among other skills associated with their emphasis. It seeks to provide its governing and teaching staff with new elements of epistemological and investigative development that are favorable in the construction of a comprehensive curriculum that trains citizens for the needs of the global and local context