Propuesta metodológica para la administración del riesgo en las instituciones educativas públicas del departamento del Atlántico soportada en las TIC

Educational Institutions -EI, as any other organization in the world, are exposed to different types of risks that must be treated or handled in a properly way, however this can affect their normal operation of the EI. Some of these risks could be the physical management, corruption, and digital sec...

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Arenas Bustamante, Dalgys
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Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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Palabra clave:
Risk management
Risk control
Educational institutions
Administración del riesgo
Control del riesgo
Instituciones educativas
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Summary:Educational Institutions -EI, as any other organization in the world, are exposed to different types of risks that must be treated or handled in a properly way, however this can affect their normal operation of the EI. Some of these risks could be the physical management, corruption, and digital security. For these reason the EI are not exempt to being affected by natural disasters, so they must be able to formulate contingency plans and execute emergency response actions that ensure the continuity of the service and guarantee the education rights to the students. In fact it is very important that the EI would be capable to manage the risks, before than they may to materialize, indistinct of their nature, and establish adequate controls to guarantee a total compliance of the goals and aims of the EI. Consequently, this Dissertation proposes to develop the creation of a methodology based in the risk management guide of the Administrative Department of the Public Function - DAFP and 59th guide of the Ministry of National Education. - MEN, in order to mitigate the impact or the probability of occurrence of the risks that may affect the normal operation of the IE. The proposed methodology will be developed through a technological tool that will systematize and will unify the risk management methodology, the design of the controls and the way to perform the attention to emergencies and disasters.