Las rupturas maritales y su incidencia en el rendimiento académico de niñas, niños y adolescentes en el barrio la Paz de la Ciudad de Barranquilla en los años 2014-2015

The aim of this research was to analyze the incidence of marital ruptures in the academic performance of children and adolescents in the La Paz neighborhood of the city of Barranquilla. Marital disruptions affect scholastic achievement and school dropout, categorize the main causes of marital disrup...

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Tache Rodríguez, Carlos
Crespo Pérez, Paola
Villareal Álvarez, Humberto
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Rupturas maritales
Rendimiento académico
Ambiente educativo
Deserción escolar
Atribución – No comercial – Compartir igual
Summary:The aim of this research was to analyze the incidence of marital ruptures in the academic performance of children and adolescents in the La Paz neighborhood of the city of Barranquilla. Marital disruptions affect scholastic achievement and school dropout, categorize the main causes of marital disruption among couples, identify the different factors that influence the underachievement of girls and boys in this sector, and verify if Educational institutions have policies aimed at providing support to children whose families are involved in a process of marital disruption to prevent the dropout of those students who are at risk due to family problems. The present research is based on the critical social paradigm, with an ethnographic and analytical approach. Results were obtained from primary and secondary sources, which showed that the academic performance of minors and adolescents whose parents are in separation processes presents difficulties of diverse order, among which is the low academic performance, the problems of Behavior in the classroom, depressions, aggression, among other conduct disorders, which even leads to the child abandoning his educational project, without the educational institution proactively intervene in this situation, providing support to the child And his family.