Estudio exploratorio del desarrollo de las competencias científicas entre los estudiantes de aceleración del aprendizaje y aulas regulares

This research is an exploratory study that aims to analyze the attributes of the scientific competence, explanation of phenomena, of the students of the learning acceleration program compared to the development of the same competence in students in regular sixth grade classrooms of the I.E.D. The Bo...

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Bernal Salamanca, Diana
Calderón Rangel, Nuris
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Scientific competence
Acceleration of learning
Sociocultural context
Competencia científica
Aceleración del aprendizaje
Contexto sociocultural
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Summary:This research is an exploratory study that aims to analyze the attributes of the scientific competence, explanation of phenomena, of the students of the learning acceleration program compared to the development of the same competence in students in regular sixth grade classrooms of the I.E.D. The Bolivarian World, for the purposes of the present, a literature review was carried out on the two categories that address the problem such as scientific competences and acceleration of learning, the first theoretically referenced with Hernández (2005), Toro, Reyes and Martínez (2017) between others and the second from the positions of Ribeiro et. Al (2010), Muñoz (2010) among others. This study was addressed under the interpretative paradigm within an experiential introspective epistemological approach and with a qualitative research approach, in which information gathering techniques were used, such as documentary review, observation and diagnostic tests among others that were applied to a sample of 36 students with specific characteristics, from which it was evidenced that there is a great difference in terms of the development of scientific competence, explanation of phenomena among students coming from acceleration and those coming from regular classrooms, even though they share the same sociocultural context.