Caracterización de las condiciones extralaborales e intralaborales asociadas al riesgo psicosocial en pescadores artesanales del Municipio de San Antero, Córdoba

In the present investigation, the characterization of the intra-work and non-work conditions associated with psychosocial risk, present in the population of artisanal fishermen of the municipality of San Antero, Córdoba, belonging to the Aspersan Fishermen Association was carried out. In order to ac...

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Bello Polo, Ana Margarita
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Artisanal fishing
Psychosocial risk
Surveillance systems
Pesca artesanal
Riesgo psicosocial
Sistemas de vigilancia
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Summary:In the present investigation, the characterization of the intra-work and non-work conditions associated with psychosocial risk, present in the population of artisanal fishermen of the municipality of San Antero, Córdoba, belonging to the Aspersan Fishermen Association was carried out. In order to achieve this objective, the quantitative method of non-experimental design was used, with a descriptive scope at a transversal temporality, and a convenience sampling type. The sample consisted of 70 participants. For data collection, the Questionnaires for the identification and evaluation of intra-occupational and non-occupational risk factors were implemented, belonging to the Battery of Identification and evaluation of psychosocialrisk factors of the Ministry of Social Protection of Colombia (2010). The results showed that the participating population is exposed to high levels of psychosocial risk. At the intra-labor level, the most significant conditions in the study population are long hours of work and difficulties in relating to peers, leading to manifestations of aggression; perceiving little social support among them. At the non-work level, the results showed precarious economic and housing conditions, showing that they have debts that are difficult to solve and homes with characteristics that do not allow rest and comfort. The need to develop intervention programs and epidemiological surveillance systems in the population of artisanal fishermen in the municipality of San Antero is evident.