Responsabilidad social empresarial y sostenibilidad en las medianas y grandes empresas del clúster de muebles en Barranquilla

Organizations are constantly analyzing various avenues of business management that allow them to develop competitive advantages for their positioning in the market. In this sense, corporate social responsibility and sustainability are presented as theoretical and practical elements that guide their...

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Alvear Montoya, Luis Guillermo
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Responsabilidad social empresarial
Sostenibilidad, Clúster
Atribución – No comercial – Compartir igual
Summary:Organizations are constantly analyzing various avenues of business management that allow them to develop competitive advantages for their positioning in the market. In this sense, corporate social responsibility and sustainability are presented as theoretical and practical elements that guide their business actions, thereby strengthening their relationship with their environment. To this end, the objective of this research work is to analyze the relationship between corporate social responsibility and sustainability in the medium and large companies of the furniture cluster in Barranquilla. The research is developed under the empirical-inductive epistemological approach with a non-experimental investigative design of correlational transectional cut, taking into account that data collection will be performed at a given time and will describe the relationship between the two variables object of study, without to have a sense of causality or to attempt to analyze causal relationships. An instrument was applied which obtained a Cronbach's alpha of 0.979, a result that indicates the high reliability of the instrument. In order to analyze the results, inferential statistics will be used through the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The results show a correlation between the dimensions of CSR and there is also a correlation between the dimensions of Sustainability, however, there are aspects to improve in these correlations. Regarding CSR and Sustainability there is a significant correlation between them.