La incorporación de la educación inclusiva y las comunidades de aula como cultura institucional.

The learning communities constitute a real possibility of emancipating not only the hu-man person, but the set of traditional practices that still today 21st century pass through obscurantism. The role of the intellectual in education must transcend the office of exec-utor of guidelines, to make way...

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Sierra Cárdenas, Ericka Patricia
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Derechos humanos
Entrevistas semiestructuradas
Propuesta investigativa
Atribución – No comercial – Compartir igual
Summary:The learning communities constitute a real possibility of emancipating not only the hu-man person, but the set of traditional practices that still today 21st century pass through obscurantism. The role of the intellectual in education must transcend the office of exec-utor of guidelines, to make way for a critical subject of such policies, according to Freire "Educators must question for whom and in favor of those who educate." Within the framework of the Human Rights approach, the research was conducted based on semi-structured interviews, as well as documentary analysis, linked to productions al-luding to inclusion processes and learning communities. This action on the voices of the teachers and documents allowed the gathering of findings and their corresponding inter-pretation. It is to be expected that it was a descriptive qualitative research with an ethno-graphic approach referring to a particular educational institution. In the interview with teachers although they had a number of questions, no less true is the channeling towards the intention of the narrators, which was outlined in executive form from the feel of the actors and the hermeneutic exercise of meaning. The research proposal then revolves around knowing the situation of the classroom communities and the processes of inclu-sion; for which the characterization of the teaching task in the daily life of its culture of interaction and formation is exposed; It is therefore necessary to obtain the views of the various actors involved on the strategies put into scenes in order to show if there is a state of inventory towards a democratic and inclusive school.