Mejoramiento y fortalecimiento del proceso productivo en la empresa estibas y embalajes ecológicos Ltda

In modern trends of production are three the areas of improvement that have become pillars on which revolve the development of successful organizations: • Inventories reduction. • Improved productivity. • Defect Prevention. For the realization of this project were taken as bases the first two areas...

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Galvis Vásquez, Nellys Del Rosario
Goenaga Zapata, Yeimys Patricia
Tejada Díaz, Paola Karina
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Proceso productivo
Industria fabril
Productive process
Manufacturing industry
Atribución – No comercial – Compartir igual
Summary:In modern trends of production are three the areas of improvement that have become pillars on which revolve the development of successful organizations: • Inventories reduction. • Improved productivity. • Defect Prevention. For the realization of this project were taken as bases the first two areas of improvement, so that the goals set to address this work are aimed at the industrial time reduction of fabricated products, the decline in inventories of goods in process originated in the way operations were conducted under the concept of economy of scale, as well as the plant redistribution to produce a more fluid movement of materials and avoiding accidents risks by materials manipulation. In this work was realized the revision and correction of engineering tools used to plan the manufacturing process so that new structures of products were designed, because the existing are not relevant to the manufactured products; the time studies founded are in hexadecimal units which does not allow a correct operation, so it should be replaced by those made in this work that are in decimal units consistent with the numerical system used in the calculus operations. The used methodology is equivalent to a field work that included data collection, processes observation and the construction of a proposed improvement to contribute to the development of manufacturing industry in our city.