Lineamientos pedagógicos para el fortalecimiento de la lectura crítica en los estudiantes de la Universidad de la Costa

Educational institutions are increasingly committed to working on meaningful learning generated from the educational work, which is why, in their actions, they promote methodological routes articulated to the needs of knowledge. Generic skills such as critical reading have awakened the eyes of the e...

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Morales Ortega, Yuneidis
Luis, Villalobos Pichón
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Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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Palabra clave:
Critical reading
Pedagogical guidelines
Teaching practice
Lectura crítica
Lineamientos pedagógicos
Práctica docente
Summary:Educational institutions are increasingly committed to working on meaningful learning generated from the educational work, which is why, in their actions, they promote methodological routes articulated to the needs of knowledge. Generic skills such as critical reading have awakened the eyes of the educational system, the result of which is due to the low rates presented by students in the last semester of university degrees in the Saber Pro tests, regulated by the Colombian Institute for the Evaluation of Education - ICFES. The purpose of this research is to design pedagogical guidelines that contribute to the strengthening of critical reading in the sixth semester students of the Bachelor of Primary Basic Education (LEBP) of the Universidad de la Costa. The methodology is based on the mixed approach, with information collection techniques such as semi-structured interviews and surveys, applied to teachers and students of the sixth semester of LEBP. The results obtained identified that when facing complex scenarios, students affect their critical analysis, and teachers, in their didactics, implement supported strategies in the three moments of reading: before, during and after (Solé, 1992). Faced with these findings, pedagogical guidelines were designed that will contribute in a transversal way to the strengthening of critical reading, through strategies, actions and resources that will awaken students' interest in the fact of reading. In summary, institutions through teachers must create innovative environments that encourage the active participation of students through critical reading.