Evaluación termodinámica de las estructuras de concreto masivo: estudio del nuevo puente Pumarejo

The thermodynamic evaluation of the massive concrete structures of the New Pumarejo Bridge considers its study in the bases of the main piles of the same, specifically in piles 13 and 14, these thermodynamic evaluations were carried out by means of special thermometers located and distributed in the...

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Rodríguez Cabarcas, Diego Alejandro
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Concreto masivo
Modelo estadístico
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Summary:The thermodynamic evaluation of the massive concrete structures of the New Pumarejo Bridge considers its study in the bases of the main piles of the same, specifically in piles 13 and 14, these thermodynamic evaluations were carried out by means of special thermometers located and distributed in the different phases of concreting of the pile caps; the pile caps are a strongly reinforced structural element whose main function is to link groups of piles, it behaves like a shoe and also serves as a base for the piles; the pile caps of the pylons were cast in 3 phases due to their high volume of concrete, for which reason they are given the name of massive concrete. This research includes the continuous development of different stages that starts from the bibliographic collection and review of the temperatures obtained in each phase of concreting of these structural elements, elaboration of graphs, correlations, and analysis of the results that allows integrating all the results in a model statistical. Between 8 - 10 points of thermodynamic tests were carried out for each phase of melting in the caps of the two main piles using a thermocouple type K, which are a temperature sensor capable of storing information every certain time defined, for this case every 10 minutes the thermocouples marked the temperature of the element in the position that it was. The pile cap has a height of 4.5m, each phase of casting was made every 1.25m and the thermocouples were generally positioned at half the height of each phase, ie; 0.6m for phase 1, 1.25m for phase 2 and 2.25m for phase 3. In turn, the ambient temperature was also taken at each measurement. The maximum temperatures did not exceed the concrete placement limit established by the ACI of 70°C. Due to the geographic conditions of the project, its proximity to the sea and the humidity of the area, it is necessary to lower the temperature levels of the concrete. In the New Pumarejo Bridge the control and handling of the temperature were achieved by taking measures such as; change a percentage of water for ice in the mix, moisten the drum of the mixer trucks, shade aggregates with a cloth and wet them, replace cement with kiln slag. By generating these changes in the treatment of materials and equipment involved in the process of manufacturing the concrete were obtained casting temperatures of 27.7°C and an ambient of about 27.9°C, and the average maximum temperature it is 63.5°C in the element.