Prototipo automático de riego con uso de fuentes renovables 

This project focuses on the use of the photovoltaic modules as alternative source of energy to manage to satisfy a need of irrigation of gardens and green spaces of the educational institution University Corporation of the Coast, "CUC", of automatic form. The photovoltaic modules, they wil...

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Navarro Caamaño, Luis Jose
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Energía solar
Generación de energía fotovoltaica
Ingeniería eléctrica
Tesis y disertaciones académicas
Solar energy
Generation of photovoltaic energy
electric engineering
Thesis and academic dissertations
Atribución – No comercial – Compartir igual
Summary:This project focuses on the use of the photovoltaic modules as alternative source of energy to manage to satisfy a need of irrigation of gardens and green spaces of the educational institution University Corporation of the Coast, "CUC", of automatic form. The photovoltaic modules, they will be arranged in an arrangement that allows to accumulate in batteries the obtained electricity and to realize that of the zones foreseen so much in the night as by day. The obtained electric power will serve to activate the system of control, which possesses a before established software that it will allow to ignite and to extinguish, as it is his programming, a submersible bomb located inside a water tank arranged for the irrigation of the established zone. The system will be completely automatic, the photovoltaic modules will offer the needed energy, whereas the system of control will take charge giving the orders of how it must operate the bomb to realize the irrigation by means of the water-sprinklers.