Prevalencia de la lesion en la articulacion de hombro en los deportistas entre 10 y 16 años de edad de la liga antioqueña de tenis, que hayan estado expuestos a entrenamiento sensorio motor y al entrenamiento convencional en el primer cuatrimestre de 2014

The high training sport performance, required a number of superior capabilities for a good motor action, being specific and perfected. When we talk about the motor action is directly of the function that the central nervous system has right there and all the medullary tract and areas for the transfe...

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Bermudez Rendon, Andrea
Cortes Santana, Jessica
Cano Gonzalez, Daniela
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Fundación Universitaria Maria Cano
Repositorio Institucional FUMC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Sistema sensoriomotor
Práctica deportiva
Capacidades físicas
Sensory-motor system
Sports practice
Physical abilities
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Summary:The high training sport performance, required a number of superior capabilities for a good motor action, being specific and perfected. When we talk about the motor action is directly of the function that the central nervous system has right there and all the medullary tract and areas for the transfer of the information coming from periphery to the brain to processing, the responsible area for the motor action is the four area localized in the cerebral cortex next to the brain frontal lobe, just right there arises the pyramidal tract, which one in other words, is the responsible to put order the muscle function. Within the multiple branches which enclose the central nervous-system, the sensory-motor system, who works directly whit all the components inside the brain; this one consist of receptors sensory, neural tracts at the spinal and cortical level, muscles, joints, joint capsule, ligaments and tendons. Is important to know, that this system works directly whit the neuromuscular system, because one is in charge of the sensation integration activities from the periphery, and the other one works at the information level that the brain receives, decodes it and converts in actions, translated into specific motor acts; when it is in the presence of a lesion, just as there is an alteration at the level of mechanoreceptors, which are responsible for sending afferent information which is what protects the joint; if there is a disruption in this chain, the whole system will be altered, which is why the importance of knowing how to train and how important it is for an athlete. When we talk about sports, where the motor acts have to be at their highest perfection, these systems become determinants, both to improve physical abilities such as strength, coordination, strength endurance, speed, among others; as for injury prevention, as in the training of both systems the target is to strengthen ligament and tendon level, getting better the joint stability and proprioception. The development of sensory integration included within the training tennis athletes high performance, as it is a sport that requires a lot of both intramuscular and intermuscular control, which plays a decisive role action perfect the neuromuscular system and sensory-motor system about actions that require the athlete to his sport motor act and gesture; in this sport rapidly adapting to do the joints, joint capsules, muscles and tendons is high intensity, is for thanks to the different changes directions and repetitive movements that are generated can be a factor decisive for the presence of lesions if there isn´t a good training of sensory-motor system and neuromuscular-system as a preventative factor. The applicability and lack of knowledge on many occasions regarding the sensory-motor system as a fundamental and strategic element to improve the physical capabilities of high performance athletes in their training and development of their sport, becomes the main factor at time of significant musculoskeletal injuries. In the right operation of the motor activities of the central nervous system requires capturing information through a process called neuro sensorial, in this system as the somatosensory, vestibular and visual system are integrated, each determining a good encoding of information one gets the periphery; but when talking about the physical abilities of athletes and how this system influences the improvement of the same, the somatosensory system plays the most important role. Among the determining factors for the injury presence is made a study from intrinsic and extrinsic factors , where the first is the neuromuscular and sensorimotor, these being fully modifiable for prevention; within extrinsic factor there are anatomic alterations or medical history that this athlete has. This monograph in focused to a study of the training of the athlete develops, in physical part, development of their sporting gesture as include sensory integration training for their sport; just as an analysis of the anatomical changes that can be made the athlete which makes it prone to developing certain diseases is done.