Elaboración del estudio de prefactibilidad para el montaje de una Planta de Producción de Aceite a partir de semillas oleaginosas

The project is conceived with the intention of setting up a plant for the production of vegetable oil from oil seeds other than African palm. The initiative arises taking into account that in the country is being promoted in a systematic way the increase of agricultural production and with this ince...

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Díaz Duarte, Hernán Dario
López Cely, Carolain
López Díaz, Yobany Ernesto
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito
Repositorio Institucional ECI
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Planta de producción de aceite
Oil production plant
Derechos Reservados - Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito
Summary:The project is conceived with the intention of setting up a plant for the production of vegetable oil from oil seeds other than African palm. The initiative arises taking into account that in the country is being promoted in a systematic way the increase of agricultural production and with this incentivizing the agroindustrial development projects with the support of the government and other institutions and given the fact that in Colombia there is great potential for the cultivation of species such as soybean, sunflower, among others and there are traditional crops such as corn, coconut, cotton, peanuts, etc. The oleaginous industry in Colombia is represented mainly by Fedepalma, whose statistical and technical records are important inputs for the development of this research, together with data from other Colombian sources and institutions such as DANE, DIAN, Ministry of agriculture and rural development, Ministry of industry and commerce, Fedebiocombustibles, among many others referenced in the development of work. By developing the research and analyzing the data found in the different sources, it was determined that not all the oilseed species that are grown in the country are produced in sufficient quantities to implement a project of this magnitude and that all the seeds have convenient characteristics in terms of the amount of oil produced, production process, cultivation areas, etc. Therefore, an analysis of the seeds was initially carried out to determine a small group of seeds with which the research would be continued. From the analysis, it was determined that the optimum seeds for the process are cottonseed and soybeans, for which the other studies that give definitive form to a project with great national potential are carried out. clear in the following sections.