Análisis del comportamiento de barras corrugadas de acero post-instaladas con adhesivo epóxico en concreto ligero sometidos a tensión y cortante :

In the country and in general in the world, the study of post-installed anchors has been limited to conventional density and resistance concrete, leaving aside the different possibilities offered by the market, such as lightweight concrete. This in turn leads to little information and quantified res...

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Viasús Arteaga, Carolina.
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Fecha de publicación:
Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito
Repositorio Institucional ECI
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Ingeniería de estructuras
Barras corrugadas - Acero post
Anclajes ( Ingeniería de estructuras )
Structural Engineering
Corrugated bars - Steel post
Derechos Reservados - Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito
Summary:In the country and in general in the world, the study of post-installed anchors has been limited to conventional density and resistance concrete, leaving aside the different possibilities offered by the market, such as lightweight concrete. This in turn leads to little information and quantified research about structural behavior in light concrete. Due to the above, an experimental program was proposed in which the behavior of corrugated bars anchored in light concrete was analyzed, for this, 7 solid concrete slabs were built, in which 39 corrugated bars were anchored, 33 of these anchors were tension tested, while the remaining six bars were shear tested. The results obtained from these tests were compared with the equations that determine the theoretical resistance of the anchors, as well as the expected failure modality of the same before different geometric and material arrangements. It was observed that for the tests confined to tension the predominant fault is presented in the epoxy and the shear tests have a specific failure. For the unconfined trials it was concluded that the predominant fault was in the concrete, in addition the clarification was made that it is necessary to respect the distance to the edge of the mines established by the ACI 318s-14 Chapter 17, since not doing so the calculations will present significant Differences than expected.