Regulatory Framework of Copyright in Colombia: Complemented and updated according to Law 1915 of 2018

Copyright is part of those sectors subject to a complex condition of variability marked by new creations and their effects on the market, by debates on the commodification of works versus the cultural value they have, by the effects of a globalized world in which guaranteeing the protection of works...

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Barreto Granada, Piedad Lucía; Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Ortiz López, Carlos Alberto; Universidad Católica de Colombia
Varón Cárdenas, Diana Alexandra; Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia
Peña Meléndez, Wilson Libardo; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Repositorio UCC
OAI Identifier:
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:
regional agreements
external trade strategies
economic integration
in-ternational projection of sme’s
multilateral trading system
acuerdos regionales
estrategias comerciales externas
integración económica
proyección internacional de pymes
sistema multilateral del comercio
Summary:Copyright is part of those sectors subject to a complex condition of variability marked by new creations and their effects on the market, by debates on the commodification of works versus the cultural value they have, by the effects of a globalized world in which guaranteeing the protection of works and at the same time obtaining the best of the benefits is a challenge in which actors from different disciplines and sectors have an interest. In this scenario, this book offers an approach to copyright from the constitutional, civil, criminal, disciplinary, and international aspects, and for each of these views, the doctrinal, legal, and jurisprudential references are basic elements in the exercise of providing a complete, updated text and, in this sense, a useful tool for people of different backgrounds who understand the importance and transversal nature and impact of adequate knowledge of the copyright regulatory framework to strengthen the processes of creation, protection, diffusion and commercialization of works.