Adolescence and family: The transformation of the Colombian family and its incidence in adolescents

This book is the result of a research project and aims to show with current data the situation of the Colombian family and its level of responsibility for various problems arising in adolescence. For this purpose, we will present the results of a comparative study in twelve cities of the country wit...

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Moreno Carmona, Norman Darío; Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
Palomar Lever, Joaquina; Universidad Iberoamericana de México
Ávila Navarrete, Viviana Carmenza; Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
Lopera López, Wbeimar Alonso; Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Bedoya Pastrana, Paul Javier; Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
Rosero Pepinosa, Anna Patricia; Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Vargas Sepúlveda, Claudia Faviola; Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Zamudio González, Rosa Daisy; Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Bilbao Fuentes, Dora Beatriz; Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Sánchez Márquez, Nery Isabel; Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Osorio Tamayo, Dora Liliana; Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
Mejía Builes, Bibiana María
Muñoz Arango, Claudia Patricia; Secretaría de Educación Departamental de Antioquia
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Repositorio UCC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Fair trade
Local and territorial development
Social and solidarity economy
Alternative proposals
Basic income
International relationchips
Comercio justo
Desarrollo local y territorial
Economía social y solidaria
Propuestas alternativas
Renta básica
Relaciones internacionales
Summary:This book is the result of a research project and aims to show with current data the situation of the Colombian family and its level of responsibility for various problems arising in adolescence. For this purpose, we will present the results of a comparative study in twelve cities of the country with about 1,000 teenagers from three population groups: outstanding students from public and private schools, adolescents using psychoactive substances, and juvenile offenders. Previous research and reflections on the Colombian family and parental relationships, adults as role models for new generations, the different bonds and relationships between parents and children, authority, affectivity, and rules are part of the literature review of this work. The book initially expounds both the conceptual theoretical and methodological frameworks of the research. Then, the results of the study are presented in six chapters, each of which is framed by a discussion with literature relevant to the subject matter. Subsequently, there are two chapters that invite us to reflect on the alternatives necessary to face the transformation of the current Colombian family. Finally, some general conclusions are drawn.Regarding the presence of internalized problems in teenagers, risk factors include poor relationships with parents, presence of a risky context, low levels of psychological well-being, and the death of the father figure at an early age. In contrast, externalized problems are more associated with being male and the relationship with the mother figure, living in a threatening context, having low levels of resilience, and being abandoned by the father at an early age.