Latin American and European regional integration in the 21st century: framework for reflection on its present and future

This book covers a series of investigations that promote reflections on two themes in general: the framework of regional integration in the 21st century and the present and future situations of Latin American and European integration. The topics analyzed in the first part include a wide range of nua...

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Caballero Parra, Fernanda; Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Álvarez, María Victoria; Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Clemente Batalla, Isabel; Universidad de la República (Uruguay)
De Lombaerde, Philippe
Fernández Saca, Juan Carlos; Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado
Giacalone, Rita; Universidad de los Andes (Venezuela)
Nolte, Detlef; German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Ramos, Hugo Daniel
Rocha Valencia, Alberto
Vieira Posada, Edgar; Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Romero Wimer, Fernando; Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Repositorio UCC
OAI Identifier:
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:
comunidades afrocolombianas
comunidades indígenas
derecho al medio ambiente
derecho laboral
derechos de la naturaleza
derechos humanos
Afro-Colombian communities
indigenous communities
right to the environment
labor law
rights of nature
human rights
Summary:This book covers a series of investigations that promote reflections on two themes in general: the framework of regional integration in the 21st century and the present and future situations of Latin American and European integration. The topics analyzed in the first part include a wide range of nuances regarding the regional integration process, both from the perspective of your current situation and from proposals that aim to channel your future. The analysis of the characteristics and implications of free trade agreements highlights the existence of ideological positions, which hinder the academic debate on regional integration and the same integration process since that time and efforts could be better used to analyze, reflect and build viable proposals and recommendations. In the second part, we find a historical, current and prospective review of the relations be-tween Mercosur and the European Union. Both the general framework of the first section and the specific situations of the second show the richness and variety of interpretations currently produced on regional integration. We consider the participation of academics from different fields, disciplines and different national experiences to be positive. To those of Argentina, Brazil, El Salvador, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela, two of the EU are added, while in the disciplines they represent we find political science, economics, history, international relations, and sociology.