Formulación de un programa de mejoramiento de responsabilidad social laboral para la empresa Pérez&Cardona SAS

The implementation of events and actions that are realized by base to the topic of the social managerial responsibility, is a mechanism that demonstrates the degree of commitment that the businessmen have acquired with the employee; the search of the integration of the company, the organization and...

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Martínez Rentería, Juan Jair
Palacios Goez, Leidy Katherine
Salazar Ramírez, Dileison
Sierra Estrada, José Gregorio
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Repositorio UCC
OAI Identifier:
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:
Responsabilidad social
TG 2018 CON
Atribución – No comercial
Summary:The implementation of events and actions that are realized by base to the topic of the social managerial responsibility, is a mechanism that demonstrates the degree of commitment that the businessmen have acquired with the employee; the search of the integration of the company, the organization and the workers it is the perfect problematics to approach an investigation on the topic. All that with the knowledge of the benefits that there offers the application and execution of this practice, such as the reputation and the improvement of the relations with each of the groups of interest (stakeholders), this justifies doing the integration of three previous factors that the company takes as priorities in his social aim. With the vision of which a full integrity exists between the businessman and his employees as fundamental piece of a gear that allows that the organization should be kept as going concern on the market, one tries to design an offer of social responsibility for the company PEREZ*CARDONA S.A.S focused in the internal client, for which we will carry out a methodology of qualitative investigation and there will realize a design of RSE's offer that expires with the criteria established by the international normoactivities that Colombia receives inside his legal frame. The specific aims develop by means of an interview to the administrative manager and a survey to the employees and one determined with the investigative group that the organization does not possess RSE's scheme, that this one socialized to the interior of her and in his corporate image.